Trade Strips and Swaps with Linked Interests

Launch of Linked Interests Feature on GreenPowerHub

To facilitate a smooth transition and maximize the benefit of Linked Interests, we are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, the 9th  of January, 13:30-14:00 CET, titled
"Mastering New Features: A Guide to Linked Interests."
This session will provide an in-depth overview of the new feature, including practical applications and best practices.

We are pleased to announce the addition of Linked Interests to our trading platform, allowing users to do Strips, Swaps and more.


Linked Interests enable the bundling of multiple interests into a single trade.

This means you can create Strips, Swaps or any combination you see as fit. Linked Interests place no limit on what you can do or select for each interest:

Please note that consistent with our platform's standards, all interests—including linked interests—remain firm.



There are no matching on Linked Interests, you hit Trade on the Linked Interest you want, accepting it as presented with Special conditions and all. If you want to negotiate you can use our chat function and talk to the initiator, or place a counter offer that is more to your liking.


As Linked Interests are not matched we allow Special conditions on the Linked Interests. These conditions will be added to each trade and trade confirmation when traded. 


For your own benefit you can put in a short tag (15 characters) and a comment (as long as you like) on the Linked Interest.

These are only visible to your company and will be shown on the individual trade pages plus on your  Trade list 

You can filter on the Tags in the Trade list:



Linked Interests are shown directly in the trading markets. You can see it is a Linked Interest by the Link icon, this is shown on interests, trades and in the live feed :


Clicking on the Link icon takes you to the overview of the Linked Interest:


Use the filter top right to show or hide Linked Interests:

Linked Interests - hidden

Here Linked Interests are hidden, clicking on the Linked filter once more will show them. If you only want to see Linked Interests, click on Interests to hide them, click again to show again.



Linked Interests can only be bought and sold as a whole. There is no matching, you just hit Trade on the Linked Interests you want. For each interest in the Linked Interest there is made a trade in the normal way, so you will find each of them under Company - Trades. And for every trade there will be generated trade confirmations. These confirmations are connected by the trade number for ease of reference and execution efficiency, for example, 240103-1 and 240103-2.



Traded Linked Interests have an overview page where you can see all the individual trades that made up the full trade:

You can get to if from the list of trades, or from an individual trade that is part of a Linked Interest Trade:



Should you have any questions or need further clarification on this new feature, please contact us at Our team is prepared to provide the necessary support to facilitate your understanding and utilization of Linked Interests.


This feature is available to all traders on the GreenPowerHub platform at no additional cost. It is part of our ongoing commitment to improving your trading experience and providing value-added services.



GreenPowerHub Team