Origins and trading

How do we match origins and countries and how does the origin determine what prices are relevant for you

When you place a bid or ask to buy or sell certificates, the origin you select will determine which countries the certificates can come from.


If you place a bid on Norwegian Hydro (Origin: Norway, technology: Hydro), you only accept certificates from Norwegian Hydro plants. If you bid on AIB Hub Hydro, you can receive certificates from any hydro plant in countries connected to the AIB Hub. 

As a buyer, you have full control over the origins of the certificates you are willing to accept and purchase. 

A Bid/Buy interest with a wider origin might give more prices and availability, but always check that the countries included in the origin are valid for your needs.



When you make an Ask/Sell request, you specify the countries the certificates can be from. For example, if you sell Norwegian Hydro, we will match with any buy requests for  Norwegian, Nordic grid-connected, AIB Hub and AIB Hub grid-connected. Your Ask/Sell request will be valid for all of these origins.

But when you sell a "composite" origin, only bids with the exact same origin will match. I.e AIB Hub only matches AIB Hub etc. 

An Ask/Sell interest with a specific country matches more Bids then a wider origin.


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