Origins in GreenPowerHub

Please find the latest changes to GreenPowerHub origins below.

December 27th 2024: Myanmar and Nepal new I-RECs origins

As Myanmar and Nepal are now approved by the I-TRACK foundation we have made them available as an I-REC origin in our systems, see below for more information about the issuer and more:

You will find these origins available in the I-RECs section of our app:

March 20th 2024: New I-RECS origin Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is now available as an I-REC origin within GreenPowerHub, and will be available as a choice in both the Bid & Ask dialogue. We will be tagging all news, trades and interests with this origin and make it available on the World map as well. Happy easter!



March 19th 2024: New I-RECS origin Mongolia

Mongolia is now available as an I-REC origin within GreenPowerHub, and will be available as a choice in both the Bid & Ask dialogue. We will be tagging all news, trades and interests with this origin and make it available on the World map as well. Happy trading!


March 18th 2024: New origin EEA AIB Hub grid-connected. Greece included in all AIB origins.


New origin: EEA AIB Hub grid-connected

EEA AIB Hub grid-connected

Includes Norway, excludes non-EEA and islands:
(Cyprus, Iceland, Serbia and Switzerland)

This new origin includes the most traded and "compatible"  EECS origins, 

EU + EEA countries that are member of AIB hub and are grid-connected 

Greece included in AIB origins

To reflect the current status of AIB Hub members, Greece is included in the following origins from March 18th 2024:

  • AIB Hub
  • AIB Hub grid-connected
  • EU AIB Hub
  • EU AIB Hub grid-connected

Any interests with one of these origins active on the platform at that point will be updated and now also include  Greece. If this is not what you want we encourage you to cancel the interest before March 18th. 



Download the Excel file here


Download the Excel file here



When we refer to grid-connected in this context, we are specifically talking about countries that are part of the synchronous grid of Continental Europe, excluding islands like Cyprus and Iceland. As of March 2024 this corresponds with the ENTSO-E territory. See also Wikipedia: Grid of Continental Europe

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