Updates - June/July 2024

Custom trading screens, even more closing prices and performance updates.


You now have the ability to create custom trading screens, so if you just want to see Nordic grid-connected Hydro, South American Solar or Asian Hydro/Solar Wind, this is now easy to setup.

Have a look at this video to get going:

Or see this step by step article:



We have improved the closing prices graph and tables

You are now allowed to fetch a lot more records, enabling you to see the entire price development for several years in one view:





There has also been a lot of performance improvements lately, so now your trading screens should update directly when a new interest or trade is placed, reducing the need for refreshing the screen during the day. 

Also the general speed and technical solutions have been upgraded and improved to cater for increased usage.


  • Show new partner requests in the Company submenu

  • Company trades filters has been sorted.

  • Company profile added to Company menu.
  • Linked interests icons been fixed to separate between single, swaps or strips:

  • Linked interests explanation
    Added improved explanation re buyer and seller responsibilities and who is buying and selling: