Login and email address

What is my password and how can I login?

After you have received your invitation via email you can press Accept invitation, and you will be routed to Microsoft login page. Here you will be asked to authenticate with the email address you have been registered with.

GreenPowerHub is using Microsoft Azure login, so your logins are going through Microsoft and if you are authenticated ok there we will get information that says that your login is verified.

There are 3 different kinds of login scenarios based on your accounts affiliation with Microsoft:

  1. Office 365 / Azure AD / MS Business account

    If you have an Office 365 account, or a business account connected to Microsoft, for instance if your company has a connection to Azure AD etc then you will be let in automatically with that account, so called Single-Sign On. All the control of passwords, password policies etc is completely in the hands of you and your company. If you can login to Office 365 or any service connected to Microsoft you can login to GreenPowerHub.
  2. Non-Microsoft account

    Your email address and account has no connection to Microsoft Azure. You will get an email with an OTP code (One-Time-Passcode) on each login. Your email + the code is the only thing required  to log in.
  3. Personal Microsoft account

    You have a personal Microsoft account, and this is the address your account is registered with. You have to login to Microsoft with this account and the password for the private Microsoft account. It can sometimes be confusing,  for instance when you  have registered your Gmail address as a Microsoft Account, and you have to login with your Microsoft Password, and not your Gmail password. A suggestion can be to create a new account, preferably a business account, and let us know so we can invite you in on the new address.


It is now possible to have a separate email address, different from your login address.

The email address is the address people will see if they do trades with you etc.

Go to "Settings" - "My details" or follow this link: https://app.greenpowerhub.com/settings/my/details

Set an email different from your login and this is where we will send future emails, alerts etc.



See also

Change password